Brett Lee can bat

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Brett Lee doing Christ knows what - it's certainly not bitingWe knew this.

Lee hit 48 off 31 balls, which went a long way towards helping New South Wales win the Champions League Twenty20. He took a couple of wickets too.

We’re not sure that ‘wanting him in Australia’s Test side’ is really acceptable, so we’re not going to tell you that’s how we feel. It will be a guilty secret which can nestle alongside ‘we fried and ate some chicken skin the other day’.


  1. I don’t feel guilty about liking Brett Lee and enjoying watching him play. I make up for it with the way i feel about all the other Aussie bowlers.

    i feel a bit guilty about pork crackling though.

  2. I’m glad you think he can bat.

    If only Punter thought he could bowl. The mystery that is Punter’s brain. His thought process went like this.

    I’ve got one of the best bowlers of yorkers in the world in my team so I’ll not bowl him in the death overs as the team needs to learn to cope with pressure. Instead I’ll get Watto to bowl lemon meringue pies to Bhaji who loves nothing more than belting shit Oz bowling out of the park.

  3. I’m glad you think he can bat.

    I just wish Punter thought he could bowl. At the least bowl as well as Watson. At least well enough to give him the ball in the death overs. I’m sure he could have gone for only about 14 instead of f**king 20.

  4. I like Brett Lee as well, I particularly liked him in 2005 when Freddie was so magnificently condescending to him in victory. This is a fine old English tradition, after we have beaten and humiliated our enemies we welcome them warmly into our magnanimous hearts. The mistake was in not following up properly, we should have done what we did after the Zulu war and brought their defeated king ( Punter the first ) over to blighty to have tea with the Queen and train him to become an English gentleman. Instead we let the blighter return to his tribal territory and we all know what happened then.

  5. Winsome,

    apparently Lee had a sore elbow.

    Hopefully Twatto now has a sore arse, after being kicked twice round the dressing room for delivering such dross in an international game.

    Either that, or it was a cunning stunt to prolong Indian interest in what looked like damp start to a long few weeks.

  6. Shane Watson is rubbish (and that is the word rubbish pronounced in a long drawn out Boycottesque manner)

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