Bask in the glorious scene

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< 1 minute read

Before the Champions’ Trophy began, ICC chief executive, Haroon Lorgat, gave it the big sell:

“This is short, sharp and exciting. We have also created a winner’s jacket.”

He didn’t say he’d created MULTIPLE winners’ jackets.

We have a jacket we wear over our Spider-man pyjamas

You know you’re good at something when you get given a jacket to wear over your tracksuit.


  1. Just running my mind over the different teams in their outfits – would royal blue have looked better with the jacket? Black with grey strips?

    What about top hats?

  2. Sometimes it’s a good thing that they don’t show overseas cricket on the TV.

    Also, Brett Lee seems to have ended up with Ponting’s jacket.

  3. Paine nicked Punter’s jacket, Punter nicked Ferguson’s and Ferguson pleaded victim status and Lee handed his over. Paine’s size 0 was the only one left.

  4. Is it wrong that I think they look quite nice? Jackets for EVERYTHING, I say! The losers of the ashes could have ones made of sackcloth.

  5. Golf has winners’ jackets, presumably so that the winner can walk straight into the men-only club rooms without breaking any of the fifty-seven dress rules.

    In rugby, on the other hand, the more mud, sweat and blood on the shirt as the winner lifts the trophy, the better.

    All other sports exist in the spectrum between golf and rugby. So football, being towards the more physical end, would not have winners’ jackets, whereas bowls, being a bit more, er, dull, would much better suit the use of jackets for its winners.

    So, does cricket want to look more like golf, or more like rugby? The jackets say golf. I think rugby.

  6. Not a fitting tribute. In more ways than one.

    Watching the expressions on their beady little Aussie faces as they were being donned in the jackets was priceless, though.

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