Latest news from the Bangladesh-aren’t-shit camp

< 1 minute readOver the years, we’ve firmly positioned ourself in the Bangladesh-aren’t-shit camp. This is partly because there are fewer people in this camp and that always appeals to us. Mostly it’s because the Bangladesh-aren’t-quite-as-shit-as-you-say-they-are camp doesn’t exist though. You’ve got to pick a side and we’ve chosen ours. Our normal approach

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Mohammad Yousuf given the slow boot

< 1 minute readDespite the fact that there are still a few matches to go on the tour of Australia, Pakistan Cricket Board chairman, Ijaz Butt, has already confirmed that Mohammad Yousuf will not be captain when it finishes. Having to do a job when you already know you’re being made redundant is

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Alastair Cook: future England captain

2 minute readWe appreciate England’s desire to identify the next England captain in advance, but why has Alastair Cook been chosen? Warning: this article may contain some petty, bigoted views about certain strands of British society Leadership attributes There is no standout candidate to be the next England captain, yet England have

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