Happy Boxing Day Test Eve

< 1 minute readThe thought that anyone might visit this website on Christmas Day is, frankly, horrifying. However, Christmas Eve is just the sort of don’t-know-what-to-do-with-yourself kind of day it was made for, so we’ll wish you a happy Festivus now.

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Do the English not enjoy winning?

< 1 minute readSometimes we feel utterly disconnected from this great nation. The attitude towards beating Australia at cricket being a case in point. A week or so ago, it seemed like a number of England fans were feeling sorry for Australia. This is mental. Never feel sorry for Australia. Now there are

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Never feel sorry for Australia

< 1 minute readThere are some English people who have had sympathy for Australia during the first half of this Ashes series. We won’t hesitate to call these people idiots. Imagine being hunted by a carcharodontosaurus and then when you’ve somehow managed to trap it after spending 20 years digging an absolutely enormous

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Tips for fast bowling

< 1 minute readOne, befriend Troy Cooley. Two, hang out with him for a week. Last week, we said that Cooley didn’t seem to have done a lot for Australia’s bowlers. We partly retract that. Overall, they’ve had a pretty woeful series, but to teach Mitchell Johnson how to swing a cricket ball

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