Bell and Pietersen bat for no-one

< 1 minute readSometimes you bat for your team-mates. Let’s imagine there’s only one threatening bowler in the opposition attack. If you can put some mileage into his legs, you make it easier for the batsmen who follow you. To some extent, it doesn’t really matter how many runs you score. You are

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England are in a spin

2 minute readTerrible headline. Terrible, terrible headline. You’ll see it again at some point in the next few weeks and minus a billion points for the guilty publication. Don’t worry though. We’ve got an angle on ‘England are in a spin’ and so we’re going to salvage our pride in the final

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Nick Compton is up and ambling

< 1 minute readAfter nought and then one, Nick Compton is finally up and running for England. Well, he’s up and ambling at any rate, having made 64 runs off 162 balls in their second warm-up match. We entirely approve of this complete lack of urgency. Hopefully the majority of his six fours

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