Andrew Strauss – Test specialist

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Andrew Strauss in happier times

Say what you like about the cheap, oversized banquet that is one-day international cricket – at least it gives batsmen a bit of practice for the matches we give a toss about.

When Andrew Strauss played one-day cricket, he scored more Test runs. He’s averaged 25.50 since he decided he couldn’t be arsed with technicolour nets.

One-day cricket gives players too many matches. Playing just Tests leaves them with too few. We’re generously giving Strauss a get-out here, because the alternative view is that he’s become really bad at batting.


  1. I enjoyed the liberal use of toss in the first paragraphs of the two most recent posts. Here we have toss used in the context of caring about something (“give a toss”), whereas previously we had the homophonic meaning of toss as in shit/wank/rubbish (“only Ian Bell wasn’t toss”). And starting anything cricket related with a toss has always seemed like pretty sound policy to me.

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