An open letter to Kent’s online shop

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Geometry - big in Kent (with cricket fans)Dear Kent,

Instead of selling ‘Spitfires geometry sets’ and Kent clipboards, phone-chargers and ‘golf towels’, why not stock a few Rob Key mugs? Eh? Maybe make a bob or two.

We’ve even come up with a new motto for you all as you busy yourselves putting non-resilient transfers of Rob onto three-for-a-pound white mugs from the indoor market:

Make a Bob or two to make a bob or two.


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email... he's on his way to see you!


  1. Pity you had to make the joke about the pink balls, or this would be the third Rob Key post in a row!

  2. King Cricket, why don’t you do a King Cricket mug? You could make it the Rob Key mug of your dreams (I’m thinking maybe the pie-in-the-sky image, but maybe ask Rob first). I’d buy one. Hell, I’d buy loads.

  3. Miriam, you’d probably have to. Maybe when we’ve got a readership measured in thousands rather than hundreds, we might.

    Also, half of your comments get classed as spam. Just yours. Do you have a history?

  4. A history? Of spamming? Not that I know of. Hmm. I reckon it’s my email address. I’ll try putting in another one to see if that helps.

    Sorry, this comment is really boring. THIS is the kind of thing that should be classified as spam.

  5. The Kent cricket shop is *full* of rubbish that does not glorify Rob Key. It’s terrible.

    Also, they do insist on selling pink and sparkly cricket shirts for women, instead of just making the normal shirts in women’s sizes.

    *and* they always run out of the Geraint Jones photographs. You’d think they’d just order in more of them and less of the Simon Cook ones.

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