A bit of TWC

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< 1 minute read

That’s ‘The Wisden Cricketer’ to you.

We won’t link to every piece of ours that appears on their blog, but we thought that today’s was ‘all right’ – and that’s a real high water mark for us.

It’s more about Neil McKenzie. We don’t feel like everyone really got into it when we wrote about him earlier in the week, so we’re practicing our ‘repeat until funny’ policy.


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email...

...so he's on his way to see you!


  1. I’ve always felt ‘repeat until funny’ was a good tactic for Sketch shows and sitcoms as well as cricket blogs, but only until the seond series, when everyone realises that ‘I’m a Laydeeee’/’Am I bovvered?’/’Neil McKenzie used to be a bit odd’ is the only joke you have.

  2. Perhaps, but Kingcricket we’ve only heard the ankylosing spondylitis joke once in the last year and you know it.

  3. I think you may have to give Neil McKenzie quite a lot of the credit for the humour. It’s him who is providing all the material.

    Every test match of this summer is going to be made gloriously entertaining simply by playing ‘spot the compulsive behaviour’.

  4. I see Gary Naylor – Mouth of the Mersey of Guardian blog fame – is posting on your TWC blogs. That’s the big time, surely?

  5. THE Gary Naylor is contributing updates to The Wisden Cricketer blog as well as his usual feedbackery.

    Or is that what you meant?

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