Darren Gough’s sinister offer

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< 1 minute read

Darren Gough

It’s a shoe.

We’re not scared of a shoe, Darren. There’s nothing wrong with having a shoe. It’s not like you’re trying to get us hooked on class A drugs or something.


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email...

...so he's on his way to see you!


  1. Look at his eyes, Darren Gough thinks he is some sort of cricket Derren Brown and you WILL belive that it is not a shoe it is something else something you really want.

  2. if you look closely you can see he is not actually holding it up, it’s just floating next to his finger tips…

  3. I can’t stop myself being drawn beyond the shoe and to his earring. I don’t know why – it’s not even especially sparkly – but I have to block out the earring in order to focus on any other part of the photo.

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