Umar Gul and reverse swing

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< 1 minute read

We like Umar Gul. He moves like a puppet. That’s always a likeable quality in a person (unless they remind you of Zelda from Terrahawks).

Umar Gul is also a brilliant reverse swing bowler. Give him a red ball, he’s mediocre. Give him a new white ball, he’s okay. Give him an old white ball and FLAXEN LOCKS OF GOWER!

If there’s even a hint of reverse swing, suddenly he becomes a different bowler. It’s not just that he’s suddenly swinging the ball about how he pleases. He also bowls around 10mph quicker.


  1. to be fair Gul didn’t pitch it up in the test series at all. Who knows what would happen if he did!

    Should it not be ‘tightly curled hair of Marshall’ to stay within the fast bowlers theme? or maybe ‘flaxen locks of Thompson’?

    Just a thought.

  2. “to be fair Gul didn’t pitch it up in the test series at all. Who knows what would happen if he did! ”

    Someone may have lost £10 at 5-1 odds.

  3. By the constantly fucked knees of simon jones, gul is a decent exponent of reverse swing.

    Well, playing against a side paid to collapse he is anyway. Or maybe he was paid extra to bowl well. Who knows?

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