What being a Kings XI Punjab fan ACTUALLY MEANS

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This appears in a section entitled ‘team mandate’.

Apparently: “We are all Punjabis; by heritage, by birth or by choice.” That’s nice and inclusive and very fortunate when you’re marketing a franchise that doesn’t really have a great deal of regional appeal beyond the name.

So we’re Punjabi. Who knew? What are we like then?

‘Lion-hearted’ – could be a lion cub, we suppose.

‘Spirited’ – Mmm.

‘Passionate’ – Our overriding passion is for Kings XI Punjab merchandise.

‘Hospitable’ – No-one’s ever been round so that we could test this. We’ll assume they’re right.

‘Entertaining’ – Mmm…

‘Brave’ – Oh now you’re just taking the piss.


  1. Have been desperately swithering trying to find a team to follow… have settled on Chennai Superkings on account of 1) divine Fleming 2) divine Dhoni 3) Albie Morkel who will be Durham boy soon. Have head down and eyes averted from bully Hayden tho’.

  2. I liked the way that Hopes and Katich seemed genuinely – genuinely – happy when Hayden got out.

    I’m liking this tournament, I must say, even if it’s mainly because of the clothing.

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