Send your match reports to We’re only really interested in your own experience, so if it’s a professional match, on no account mention the cricket itself. (But if it’s an amateur match, feel free to go into excruciating detail.)
Daisy writes…
I suggested in spring that we might get tickets for Taylor Swift at Wembley Stadium. Ged demurred.
“The hottest tickets this August will be for the Zara Larsson concert at Lord’s,” he said. “It’s a sell-out, but I’ve got us into the VIP area.”
According to Ged, hundreds of thousands of people had to resort to buying Taylor Swift tickets for Wembley because Zara Larsson had totally sold out Lord’s.

There was a firework display and a short cricket match before the start of the concert. I popped to the loo soon after the cricket finished and ran into a charming young blond woman, scantilly-clad in a most exotic fashion, entering the Long Room.

“What has become of the pavilion dress code?” I asked the accompanying steward. “Or is she a visiting dignitary wearing national dress?”
“She seems ever so nice,” was all the star-struck steward could say in reply.
Turns out, that was Zara Larsson. She progressed from the pavilion, to the stage, via the field of play. Her music and gyrations seemed to distract warming-up cricketers from their purpose.

Unfamiliar with Ms Larsson’s oeuvre, I had asked Ged to provide some guidance on appropriate dance moves. He had brought a couple of documents with him.

Unfortunately, it seems that Ged mixed up some pages from an Edwardian bat and ball sports coaching manual with his Zara Larsson dance moves documents. It is the sort of mistake that absolutely anyone could make, as long as that ‘anyone’ happened to be Ged.

Yet Ged’s paperwork mix up didn’t seem to matter; those Edwardian sports moves went down a storm. Ged and I are now confirmed Larssonists.

After Zara Larsson moved on, there was another cricket match. Ged and I moved on before the end of that second match.

I photographed the blue moon, which I mistook for sunset from the A40 flyover on the way home.
This is incredibly depressing, in the sense that it sets a ridiculously high bar in KC cricket match reporting standards, right down to intimate photos of the stars and intricate dance moves documents.
It took me a moment or two to spot the blue moon, though, in that last photo: it was certainly low in the sky that evening. Looks like you might have had to swerve to avoid it on the flyover.
A little depressing for me too, Chuck. It seems to me that people in my orbit are getting their match reports published here, while mine sit festering on a “maybe” pile or the spike.
Have I been “cancelled”, KC?
Is this your idea of a cancellation? Merely featuring prominently in a report and then commenting underneath it?