Hand-finding with Steve Smith

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Say, do you ever try to grab hold of a thing only to be knocked sideways by the sudden realisation that you actually have nothing to grab hold of it with? You’ve lost your hands! Fear not though, Steve Smith is coming to the rescue…

Smith has done a video about “finding your hands”.

That’s its actual title.


Smith apparently considers himself something of an expert in the hand-finding field, on the basis that: “It’s pretty well-documented, I think, that I lose my hands quite often and then I find them at times.”

Quite the hand-finding CV, we’re sure you’ll agree.

And he’s not wrong that this is something he’s known for either. We’ve even documented Smith’s propensity to misplace his hands here on King Cricket – and we don’t just report on any old shit, you know.

So how do you find your hands? Try and think where you had them last? Retrace your steps (assuming you haven’t also lost your feet)?

In the video, Smith says that finding his hands is, “more of a feeling thing,” which raises the incredible possibility that he could locate his hands even while blindfolded.

Tell you what though. He is pretty good.

Check this out…

There they are! On the ends of his arms, of all places.

What a show-off! Brandishing his hands like that. Flaunting them even.

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  1. “…assuming you haven’t also lost your feet)?”

    Excellent. Although now I think I might be losing my mind…

  2. Never realised Smith was short a thumb and a pinky. Maybe he just hasn’t found them yet.

  3. Just imagine how good a player I might have been had tuition of that quality been available back then.

    No-one taught me to find my hands, although one of the teachers at school had certainly found his and used it to clip boys on the back of the head with alarming regularity.

    Just imagine how bright I might have been had I not been clipped on the back of the head with alarming regularity.

    1. You’d almost certainly have had fewer problems with your short-term memory, Ged. And almost certainly have had fewer problems with your short-term memory, too.

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