Fidel Edwards signs for Worcestershire

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How many West Indian cricketers does it take to change a light bulb?A good signing for Worcestershire, but perhaps an even better deal for Fidel Edwards.

The lack of West Indians appearing in county cricket is both a symptom of their current weakness, but also a cause. A great line of West Indians have broadened their cricketing education in England, from Learie Constantine in the Lancashire leagues of the Thirties to Brian Lara – who seemed to know quite a bit anyway in scoring 501 in a single innings.

But recently county cricket’s been awash with Australians and second-rate South Africans. Any new Australian Test batsman can be guaranteed to have eaten up county attacks for at least a couple of seasons. Mike Hussey and Phil Jaques have played over here for years. It’ll be no surprise when they’re not fazed by the conditions in 2009.

But West Indians have been missing these benefits. Edwards should learn a little about bowling while he’s in England, but he should also learn something about being a professional. Overseas pros are expected to perform because they’re the biggest names in the team.

Kumar Sangakkara said that philosophy helped his batting attain the rare heights of late. It’s up to Fidel Edwards how he responds, but he’s at least got a good opportunity here.


  1. I’m currently reading Super Cat, and reading about the feats performed by Clive Lloyd at Lancashire, Viv Richards at Somerset, and Malcolm Marshall at Hampshire, is something that should happen again..

    No-one wants to see more Saffers in the county teams. It’s bad enough seeing them in two series, this year, without having to put up with their half rate brethren,

  2. You won’t even believe this if I told you and said that it was true man. It was mental.

    We were going to JJB in Dagenham cos Lip was saying there was no way he was going to the JJB in Putney again cos they followed him like a THIEF or something when he was in there last time. Even when he said to the guard I AINT NO THIEF. I PAYYYYYY FOR MY SHIT, they still did follow him round like they were in the bill or something so he said NO WAY.

    So we were going to the JJB in Dagenham cos Lip still needed new Reeboks. Anyway the 173 was just SITTING for hours outside Battersea Rise. And I’m like WHY? So we go WHY? to the bus driver and he goes, cos Fidel Edwards has gone mental. And he nodded out the front of the bus. And it was Fidel Edwards, in the middle of the road holding up traffic going MENTAL.

    He was shouting, THEY’VE CANCELLED REBUS THEY’VE CANCELLED REBUS BUT RECOMMISSIONED TAGGART BUT RECOMMISSIONED TAGGART. NO JUSTICE NO JUSTICE over and over. And the thing is, thats when it went really mental cos Lip is Taggart MENTAL.


    Then Fidel Edwards starts chatting shit about Taggart being dead so why was it called Taggart anyway. At least Rebus bothered to turn up for his show.

    Now Lip hates it when it people say that about Taggart so he started trying to get off the bus to knock Fidel Edwards out. Bus the bus driver sees this coming and puts the bus into LOCK DOWN. Noone was getting on or off that bus. No way.

    So it was just Lip and Fidel Edwards, stalking each other through the glass windows chatting shit about Rebus and Taggart. But what Fidel didn’t realise was that the traffic had started moving again when he was at the side of the bus so we just drove off.

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