Mitchell Johnson leaves a straight one

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< 1 minute read

You couldn’t make it up. Mitchell Johnson LITERALLY doesn’t know what a straight delivery is.

James Anderson pointed one towards the stumps and Johnson, alarmed, thought: ‘What the hell is that?’ and padded up. The umpire’s finger rose.

Johnson is probably still pondering this exotic trickery now; planning how he’ll expose James Anderson as a warlock.


Or WG Grace and Billy Murdoch will be forced to come round your house and...

... do things...


  1. bet is wasn’t Koertzen umpiring. He doesn’t give straight ones, ask Ian Bell.

  2. I was saying some very bad words at the tv due to the stupidity of the aussies padding up (especially Hussey). I haven’t seen anything that stupid since Alderman was bowling in 89.

    also, koertzen does give straight ones when they are going over the top. He’s having such a bad series that it could be time to do the kind thing and bring the white screen onto the field.

  3. Bob Willis had a top rant about Rudi this evening – think he would dispense with the white screen (and the humane killer) and just strike him down

  4. I was there!!

    After two days at Edgbaston (well, one and a bit days) we have a new nickname for Rudi:


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