Mohammad Sami is still playing cricket – as are India and Pakistan

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< 1 minute read

India are playing Pakistan. It’s a big deal. This website being what it is, the only appropriate course of action was for us to wander out halfway through.

At the time of writing, Mohammad Sami – Mohammad Sami! – had taken two wickets in two balls as India set about chasing not-all-that-many runs with no real sense of urgency.

Mohammad Sami is a million years old, but apparently he still bowls quite quickly. He was too quick for Suresh Raina, that’s for certain. Then again there have been days when Raina has played as if Chris Harris would have been able to bounce him out – even though Harris really digging it in would be unlikely to get the ball above bollock height.

As we prepare to click ‘publish’ a couple of big shots have edged India closer to ‘cakewalk’ territory. Hopefully there’s some sort of late drama which’ll be really conspicuous by its absence in this post.

Ooh. A wicket. [Clicks publish.]



  1. I didn’t nod off, despite the Saturday afternoon timing, but I did wander out of the room and do some stuff on my PC, rather than watch the end of the match.

    This afternoon I might nod off – I think there might be a tasty glass or two of white with my lunch, if Daisy ever gets off the phone with niece Lavender.

  2. The big surprise for me is all of the positive press for the poor Bangladesh team who have lost two bowlers at the start of the tournament proper. No mention of how the Netherlands team may feel about being effectively knocked out of the tournament in a chase where roughly 1/3 of the overs were delivered by two guys with illegal actions.

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