Jungfraujoch match report

3 minute readBert writes: Some years ago, one of this site’s regular correspondents set what I imagine he thought would be an all-time altitude record for match reporting. He claimed that the match was taking place at an altitude (and I quote) of 3,500m. Now there is something rather strange about this,

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A positive, aggressive brand of cricket

< 1 minute readThere’s definitely an opening for an opportunistic side to play a negative, attritional brand of cricket during this World Cup. That approach is so rare, the opposition won’t know what has limply and boringly hit them. More about this in the form of a satirical news report over at Cricinfo.

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Next week on King Cricket…

< 1 minute readThere’s going to be relatively little news coverage on here next week. And by ‘relatively little’ we actually mean none. We’ve decided we need to graze in the outfield for a few days so that we can come back and hit the deck hard come the World Cup. Clearly you’re

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