Simon Jones and his injuries

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Simon JonesAndrew Flintoff is injured again. If only there were another English fast-bowling hope we could all idiotically and unreasonably crush with our mindless, unjustified hope.

Step forward Simon Jones. Step forward carefully though. Don’t want you twisting an ankle or rupturing your pancreas or something. Simon Jones took 5-32 yesterday for Worcestershire against Hampshire, as if he were an actual cricketer who did this kind of thing for a living.

Flintoff should only be out for a couple of weeks, so Jones only needs to get through about four matches to fill the gap. Will he make it?

Thinking about Simon Jones, he reminds us of a very interesting quote from Tom Cartwright, the subject of Stephen Chalke’s really rather good book The Flame Still Burns, from where these words were taken:

“An hour in the gym isn’t the same preparation for bowling as a nine-hour day working on a farm field or down a mine or even in a heavy-industry factory. You may have similar energy output, but you don’t build up the same core strength – so you haven’t developed the ability to keep your concentration when the body is starting to get tired, when the physical stress it can exert is in decline.

“There’s an important relationship between physical stress and concentration. It’s difficult in the modern world to replicate the preparation for bowling that people had when they walked everywhere and there was more manual work. Doing a lot more bowling is part of what’s needed, but it would be hugely beneficial if young bowlers went off and spent winters doing hard, physical work. It would build their core strength and that’s irreplaceable by anything else.”

How many times have you seen Simon Jones in that stupid vest, showing off his biceps while watching an England game in which he’ll play no part? Tom Cartwright, on the other hand, bowled at least 700 first-class overs in a season 13 years in a row and continued bowling until he was 42.

Admittedly, Cartwright was a medium-pacer, but there’s truth in his words.


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  1. Manual labour over the winter doesn’t always have the desired effect though – Jade Dernbach of Surrey spent this winter on a building site – his figures yesterday? 0 for 107 off 10

  2. Maybe it is the threat of hard manual labour that is forcing all these cricketings-makers flee for jobs in the City (shush shush King Cricket, everyone knows that means the financial district of London, stop being awkward).

  3. I could refer you to Australia’s entire history to show what hard labor could do, I think that might be a little dodgy ground though.

  4. Manual labour might be good for a career as a cricketer. Maybe a career as a cricketer is good for a career ‘doing finance’.

    We have no idea what ‘doing finance’ entails.

  5. I always understood “doing finance” to mean wearing braces, shouting very loudly and making vast inroads into Colombian marching powder – or have I confused “doing finance” with being a Chelski supporter?

  6. Your not in finance Mims, you’re a lawyer. That’s probably worse. πŸ˜‰

    Sorry Charlotte, but all the money market boys I know are all Chelsea fans, and they do shout too loudly, and take too much cocaine.

    I don’t think all Chelsea fans are like that, just the finance fellas.

  7. I never knew that life around Kensington and Chelsea Cricket Club was such a lively affair…

  8. Inside info on Alex Loudon and his new career “doing finance”.
    He’s got a job at ‘Hawkpoint’ (whatever that is – some banking thing) because he knows the boss’ uncle etc.

    He’s been there three months as an intern. His favorite past-time is to go up to experienced members of ‘Hawkpoint’, give them a friendly pat on the shoulder, a cheesy grin and say: “It really looks likes you’re in control here, keep it up.”

    This is true, from a internal mole who’s not a Loudon fan…

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