Nick Compton, Middlesex

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< 1 minute read

Nick Compton - he could be a part... time... modelWith his exotic upbringing, superior air and blonde looks, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Nick Compton wasn’t exactly our cup of tea.

And you’d be right. We can’t really remember why we’ve included him now. We remember that there were a number of tricky decisions made when selecting this year’s ones to watch. Several cricketers we’re rather fond of missed the cut. How did Compton survive?

Never let it be said that no thought goes into this website. Equally, never let it be said that repeated instances of poor memory don’t play a large part as well.

We’ll be watching Nick Compton this season. Hopefully at some point it will become apparent why.

More players to watch in 2008


Roelof van der Merwe just heard you haven't yet signed up for the King Cricket email... he's on his way to see you!


  1. What happened to Briony? Did you shatter her dreams, and leave here broken and bereft?

    i bet you did, you cold bastarf, you..

  2. He’s definitely in the top-three … good looking guys in a county team (depending on the county)

  3. We could do this all year, yes.

    One of my friends didn’t get it and thought I was just being smutty.

  4. Didn’t get what? I thought you were just being smutty too.

    I had a budgie but it died

  5. Hoop, like a banji, you got it goin’ on
    Wanna see you wearin’ that thong thong thong
    See you gettin’ down till the break of dawn
    *Mumble mumble mumble* – with your panties on

    (best FOTC bit ever)

  6. why, is the concrete world starting to get ya?

    Be more constructive with your feedback.

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